Monday, February 20, 2012

The day drags on

The day drags on
Like windmill on a sunny afternoon
Around hokus pocus conversations
and hokus pocus sounds
The kids laugh about on their merry go rounds
Oblivious to dogs wallowing on the ground
The television glares in the nearby town
Playing antics of a frowned clown
The busy streets wear a look of boredom
Like wide-angle shots of a classroom

The day drags on
Like windmill on a sunny afternoon
Walking past a shopping mall
Hoping for prices to fall
The giant malls bedazzle alone
Like shiny numbers on an expensive phone
Alien to human voice
Ever ready to pose

The day drags on
Like windmill on a sunny afternoon
Made to drink water from a finger bowl
'A cheap and easy therapy for mind and soul'
In the clutter of advertisements, words disappear
Ushering every semioticians' worst nightmare
Advertisements that breed hatred and greed
Targeting men of all caste and creed

The day drags on
Like windmill on a sunny afternoon
Tired by the weight of its existence
Too tired to even launch resistance
Modelling for the thinker and the artist
who're writing off human history as fascist
A history that's craving for holiday
By the beach and blue sky
But night would be just fine for now
Provided it has reconciled with when and how

1 comment:

  1. Forced Rhyming....rather injurious to mental health
    like cheap fag. A nonrhyming " CHHILUM " from you i am more used to.
